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Discover financial empowerment resources
The Thriving or Surviving study uncovers the kitchen table issues that confront Canadians daily, revealing how the country is coping with concerns such as debt, savings, emergency funds and financial...

This free, on-demand, introductory course provides learners with insight into the history of First Nations, Métis and Inuit Peoples; an understanding of the devastation of colonialism on Indigenous communities and economies from an Indigenous perspective and how it is critical to reconciliation;...

Chartered Professional Accountants of Canada (CPA Canada) has released its comprehensive Canadian Finance Study 2020, which examines people's attitudes and feelings towards their personal finances. The results highlight the new financial realities that Canadians are experiencing during these...

CPA Canada has put together resources to help manage your finances and provide you with the tools you need during this crisis – and...

An emerging body of international literature is beginning to reveal a significant connection between financial capability metrics and personality, suggesting that what influences our financial well-being may be more nuanced than we previously thought. This report investigates how the inclusion...

An emerging body of international literature is beginning to reveal a significant connection between financial capability metrics and personality, suggesting that what influences our financial well-being may be more nuanced than we previously thought. This study investigates how the inclusion of...

This report, 'The Perils of Living Paycheque to Paycheque: The relationship between income volatility and financial insecurity', examines the relationship between income instability and broader measures of financial well-being. This study makes use of a unique dataset that collected...