Discover financial empowerment resources
Discover financial empowerment resources
Global Learning Partners (GLP) helps individuals and organizations to learn by providing practical expertise in learning assessment, design, facilitation and evaluation. Their connecting virtually toolkit covers a variety of topics to learn, teach and connect in a virtual world. The resources...

Momentum is a change-making organization that acts as a bridge by taking an economic approach to poverty reduction and adding a social perspective to economic development initiatives. Programs are holistic, covering everything from financial literacy, entrepreneurship and employment training, to...

Financial planners and advisors want to better the lives of the people they work with, but may not know that conventional retirement advice often doesn’t work for low-income retirees. Getting it right when every dollar counts The advice that works well for higher- and middle-income clients can...

In June, we commemorate National Indigenous History Month 2021 to recognize the history, heritage and diversity of First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples in Canada. The Crow-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada website contains resources on Indigenous history, promotional and...

This free, on-demand, introductory course provides learners with insight into the history of First Nations, Métis and Inuit Peoples; an understanding of the devastation of colonialism on Indigenous communities and economies from an Indigenous perspective and how it is critical to reconciliation;...

Cultural safety is about fostering a climate where the unique history of Indigenous peoples is recognized and respected in order to provide appropriate care and services in an equitable and safe way, without discrimination. This website includes information about the San’yas: Indigenous Cultural...

Human insights are used when designing programs and improving services through understanding clients’ hidden preferences, environment factors and behaviors. The Human Insights Tools from Prosperity Now are intended to take you through the process of discovering opportunities for innovation from...

Statistics Canada presents a learning catalogue to share knowledge on data literacy. Data literacy is the ability to derive meaningful information from data. It focuses on the competencies involved in working with data including the knowledge and skills to read, analyze, interpret, visualize and...

Global Learning Partners (GLP) helps individuals and organizations to learn by providing practical expertise in learning assessment, design, facilitation and evaluation. Their shareable resources cover a variety of topics in learning, taking a learning-centered approach, including: Learning...

Making the transition from in-person to virtual program delivery has become a necessary step in continuing financial empowerment services during these times of physical distancing. Financial education workshops are a valuable part of any financial empowerment program, and there are many different...

The Coaching and Philanthropy Project was created by CompassPoint in collaboration with Grantmakers for Effective Organizations, BTW informing change and Leadership. This guide uses the data collected during the project to answer a few questions including: What is coaching? How can coaching...

The Canadian Foundation for Economic Education (CFEE) works collaboratively with funding partners, departments of education, school boards, schools, educators, and teacher associations to develop and provide free, non-commercial programs and resources for teachers and students – developed and...

This toolkit contains tools and worksheets you can use with your financial coaching clients. Each document should be used as a part of the coach-client relationship. This include financial coaching tools such as the financial wheel of life and tips for the first meeting, as well as tools and...

Your Money Seniors is a financial literacy program for seniors. Modelled on the CBA’s highly successful Your Money Students program, this seminar program is offered in French and English, free of charge, to seniors’ groups across the country. Your Money Seniors is presented by bankers in...

Your Money Students was created to bring financial literacy to life in homes and classrooms across Canada. This free, one-hour, non-commercial seminar is geared for high school students, and is presented by local bankers volunteering their time and expertise. The Your Money Students seminar covers...

Bright, beautiful, interactive and simple to use, Managing your money offers a series of seven worksheets to help Indigenous individuals and families to set and work towards money goals. Each financial topic and activity features artwork by Simon Brascoupé paired with a teaching from the animal...

This handout is from Module 9 of the Financial Literacy Facilitator Resources. Glossary of terms relating to consumerism. To view full Financial Literacy Facilitator Resources, click...

This handout is from Module 9 of the Financial Literacy Facilitator Resources. Examples of how to deal with consumer problems. To view full Financial Literacy Facilitator Resources, click...

This handout is from Module 9 of the Financial Literacy Facilitator Resources. Common consumer frauds and scams to look out for. To view full Financial Literacy Facilitator Resources, click...

This handout is from Module 9 of the Financial Literacy Facilitator Resources. Information about cell phone plans and what is involved when you purchase one. To view full Financial Literacy Facilitator Resources, click...

This handout is from Module 9 of the Financial Literacy Facilitator Resources. Smart shopping tips. To view full Financial Literacy Facilitator Resources, click...

This handout is from Module 9 of the Financial Literacy Facilitator Resources. Explanation of different advertising and sales techniques. To view full Financial Literacy Facilitator Resources, click...

This activity sheet is from Module 9 of the Financial Literacy Facilitator Resources. Setting goals related to consumerism. To view full Financial Literacy Facilitator Resources, click...

This activity sheet is from Module 9 of the Financial Literacy Facilitator Resources. Use this quiz to rate your financial knowledge. To view full Financial Literacy Facilitator Resources, click...

This activity sheet is from Module 9 of the Financial Literacy Facilitator Resources. A template for writing a consumer complaint letter. To view full Financial Literacy Facilitator Resources, click...