Discover financial empowerment resources
Discover financial empowerment resources
This toolkit, presented by Pathways to Prosperity, features a variety of practices and programs that can be used to address and improve each of the characteristics of a welcoming community, as identified in Toolkit I: Measuring Welcoming Communities. The goal is to mobilize and facilitate the...

Among the truly urgent crises facing the United States is widespread household financial insecurity. A stunning 51% of U.S. households have expenses that are at least equal to—if not greater than—their income, and 55% lack the necessary savings to weather a simultaneous income drop and expense...

Having a small emergency fund can alleviate major stress. Putting a few dollars away each month can help you prepare for the unexpected. Watch this new video by the Ontario Securities Commission to learn...

Sustained investment in Native American small business development is imperative to a philanthropic agenda focused on economic justice. Philanthropy centers justice and expedites the growth of Native American wealth building by channeling grant dollars and impact investments toward the ecosystems...

Despite the fact the story is three years old, it made the rounds online again, and it's also still valid. Indigenous women are starting new businesses at twice the rate as Indigenous men, but they face significant barriers to accessing funding. This is something that hurts everyone -...

Wealth inequality, health and health equity is one in a series of ongoing think pieces from Wellesley Institute that aim to stimulate ideas and new conversations to create a fairer and healthier tomorrow. Canadians are struggling with the rising cost of living. A national survey in November 2023...

This 60-minute webinar for frontline practitioners, social service providers, and funders shares insights from a two-year project designed to help build financial wellness in isolated and rural First Nation communities in Manitoba and Ontario. Partnerships between First Nation communities and...

The Canada Disability Benefit is an opportunity to guarantee that people with disabilities can live a life with dignity and have an adequate standard of living. For the new Canada Disability Benefit (CDB) to meet its goal of financially supporting and reducing poverty of people with disabilities,...

The National Housing Strategy Act (NHSA) of 2019 introduced landmark human rights mechanisms aimed at addressing systemic housing issues in Canada. These mechanisms enable rights holders who have borne the brunt of Canada’s housing crisis to have their voices heard, claim their rights, and offer...

The Future of Wealth Discussion Series consist of 1-hour virtual convenings that are open to the public and bring together leaders across sectors and disciplines to consider wealth-building objectives that Aspen FSP considers critical to creating widespread household financial well-being. Click on...

In Canada, governments provide seniors with a spectrum of income supports and programs intended to maintain a baseline standard of living in retirement. For many years, the social safety net has been praised for producing lower poverty rates for seniors, as measured by the Market Basket Measure...

The Community Volunteer Income Tax Program (CVITP) is a partnership between the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) and local community organizations. The program is intended to ensure that all taxpayers have equal access to the tax system. In Grey and Bruce Counties, 14 community organizations provide...

To learn more about Canada's food and seed security, read the SeedChange Impact report 2022. This report shows how and where donations were distributed in 2022, the impact of their work and the global projects they are involved...

When immigrants arrive in Canada, they face many financial challenges. From opening a bank account to using a credit card, from buying a house to paying for insurance, they may find it difficult to navigate the nuances of Canadian markets. Newcomers rely on industry professionals to assist them in...

This Financial Resilience Institute report, authored by Eloise Duncan and commissioned by FP Canada and the Institut québécois de planification financière (IQPF) is being published for everyone with a stake in the financial resilience and well-being of Canadians. This study, leveraging the...

Employment and income experiences for persons with disabilities often differ from persons without disabilities. Barriers to accessibility within these areas often lead to lower employment rates and decreased income levels for persons with disabilities, in relation to persons without...

This brief lays out how care impacts economic recovery, family economic security and asset building, equity and justice, and the well-being of children, older adults, and people with disabilities. COVID-19 highlighted the importance of caregivers, as parents have become remote learning...

For most households in America, financial shocks are inevitable. The car will break down. The house will need a repair. A key earner for a household will be laid off. These shocks can be devastating to household finances. And while the COVID-19 pandemic, which we are still recovering from, was a...

An infographic from Statistics Canada highlighting the advances made in reaching Goal 10, reducing inequalities, of the sustainable development...

Use this calculator by the Ontario Securities Commission to estimate your positive or negative monthly cash...

Your credit card can help you make purchases quickly without needing to have cash on hand. Follow these tips by the Ontario Securities Commission to use your credit card...

Canada’s tax system has a punitive impact on lower income families with children hoping to earn more money, according to a new report from the C.D. Howe Institute. In “Softening the Bite: The Impact of Benefit Clawbacks on Low-Income Families and How to Reduce It,” authors Alex Laurin and...

When inflation rates go up, it can be tempting to look for ways to grow your money at rates higher than the rate of inflation. Investing can feel more appealing than the average savings account. While it’s important to stay the course on your investing goals, don’t neglect your savings. There...

It pays to make saving a habit. Review this article from the Ontario Securities Commission to look for easy ways to build saving into your life and to make it...

Daily aspects of Canadians' lives are increasingly touched by digital technology, and access to high-speed Internet has become an essential service and a key driver for improving our economic and social well-being. The Government of Canada originally announced Connecting Families in Budget 2017 to...