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Discover financial empowerment resources
In 2024, close to half of First Nations people living off reserve (45%) and Métis (44%), and more than half of Inuit (54%) (all aged 15 years and older) reported that it was "difficult" or "very difficult" in the 12 months preceding the survey to meet their financial needs in terms of...

This research from early 2024 focuses on the perspectives of consumers as related to the individuals providing them with financial planning and/or financial advisory services. The research consisted of a survey of over 1,000 Ontario consumers, and two focus group discussions to supplement the...

Rising housing costs have had an impact on the ability of families to move. This article, using data from the Canadian Social Survey (CSS), illustrates how higher prices have disproportionately affected the moving decisions of young Canadians, particularly those experiencing financial...

The Embedded Financial Coaching project builds on evidence that embedding financial coaching into employment services leads to stronger employment and financial well-being outcomes. This report provides insights on the project components including delivering financial coaching services, developing...

The CRA's Indigenous strategy takes inspiration from the United Nations Declarations on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and contributes to the Government of Canada’s efforts to advance reconciliation. It presents an integrated approach to improve trust and ensure that our services are...

One of the core strategic priorities identified in FAIR Canada's 2023 -2028 Strategic Plan was to conduct and share research that provides deeper perspectives directly from individual investors about key policy matters that have an impact on them. As part of this effort, FAIR Canada commissioned an...

FCAC and Statistics Canada collaborated on fact sheets examining trends in digital banking at the national, provincial and territorial level. This work aims to further financial inclusion by helping identify which groups are most likely to face barriers. It also supports the National Financial...

Have you ever wondered why people behave in certain ways, and how you can encourage positive outcomes? Behavioural insights is one tool that can support you to meet people where they are at. United Way partnered with the Behavioural Insights team of Canada to develop a course for the social sector,...

The Behavioural Insights Team, in conjunction with Fair4All Finance, have worked with three community finance providers to launch a new customer engagement support guide to better improve customer engagement using insights from behavioural science. Building on our work with three lenders, this...

A government designs a great service or program to support its residents. Although many people qualify, the program receives just a few applications. How can we increase uptake? This is a common question the Behavioral Insights Team (BIT) has helped governments answer across many policy...

Filing a tax return is one of the most important ways for Canadians to access income benefits. However, numerous barriers can make tax filing challenging, particularly for people living on low incomes. After engaging with 31 individuals, we discovered that there are disruptors and compounders that...

The Office of the Investor at the Canadian Investment Regulatory Organization (CIRO) engaged with Innovative Research Group to conduct the organization’s first national investor survey. The objective of this general population (and particularly investors) survey research is to help CIRO better...

Maytree recently published the latest count of social assistance recipients in Canada. Learn how many people in each province or territory were receiving social assistance in 2022-23, and how those numbers have changed over...

The external evaluation firm, Taylor Newberry Consulting, evaluated the Benefits Wayfinder between June 2022 and January 2024. This infographic showcases the feedback received based on feedback collected from 500 users and over 35 organizations across Canada. Impact: L'orienteur en mesures...

Momentum is a Calgary-based community organization that works with people living on low incomes and partners in the community to create a thriving local economy for all. For over 20 years, Momentum has offered matched savings programs that build financial stability by working with participants to...

Statistics Canada has updated preliminary estimates of the Indigenous economy, defined as gross domestic income (GDI) earned by Indigenous workers and Indigenous-led businesses (where 50% +1 of the owners identify as Indigenous), along with data on jobs held by Indigenous people. This latest...

AFN's 2023 Annual Report gives a high level review of their work last year. For 19 years, AFN has provided a forum for grantmakers and financial institutions to connect, collaborate, and collectively invest in helping more people achieve economic security. This report reflects our work over the...

In their study, entitled, “Experiences of Financial Stress and Supports in Caregivers During Pediatric Hospital Admission,” Nadarajah et al interviewed caregivers of children admitted to a pediatric hospital and conducted qualitative analyses to assess financial needs, health related financial...

The Asset Funders Network engages philanthropy to advance equitable wealth building and economic mobility. For 19 years, AFN has provided a forum for grantmakers and financial institutions to connect, collaborate, and collectively invest in helping more people achieve economic security. The 2023...

FAIR Canada engaged The Strategic Counsel (TSC), a national market research firm, to undertake focus groups to better understand Canadian investors. The overall purpose of this research is to provide a broad portrait of Canadian investors including their knowledge, attitudes, behaviours, and...

From June – July 2023, ONN conducted our fourth annual sector-wide survey to gather critical data on the state of Ontario’s nonprofits regarding their financial health, staffing and volunteers, and general operations. Nearly 1,400 nonprofits, charities, and grassroots groups across the province...

Recent increases in the cost of living and declining real estate values had unprecedented impacts on net saving and wealth for more financially vulnerable households in the first quarter, such as those with lower incomes, less wealth, and in younger age groups. Statistics Canada has gathered data...

A prolonged period of rising inflation and interest rates has led to another significant downturn in the financial wellbeing of adult Canadians, risking their retirement readiness and security, according to the 2023 Canadian Retirement Survey from Healthcare of Ontario Pension Plan (HOOPP) and...

A new study by national charity Prosper Canada, undertaken with funding support from Co-operators, finds that Canadians with low incomes are increasingly financially vulnerable but lack access to the financial help they need to rebuild their financial health. The report, shows that affordable,...

In 2022, the Consumer Price Index rose 6.8%, the highest increase since 1982 (+10.9%). Prices for day-to-day goods and services such as transportation (+10.6%), food (+8.9%) and shelter (+6.9%) rose the most. Canadians felt the impact of rising prices. Data from the Canadian Social Survey...