Discover financial empowerment resources
Discover financial empowerment resources
A guide for consumers to help with problems related to communications services. Information is provided to allow consumers to better assert their rights and facilitate the resolution of a dispute with communication service providers. (Please note this is a French-language...
Un nombre croissant d’organismes communautaires au Canada offrent des programmes qui aident à améliorer le bien-être financier des familles et des personnes dans leur collectivité. Certains de ces organismes préconisent également des changements aux politiques et aux systèmes pour faire en...
This report presents a study of the debt settlement and financial recovery industry and examines Canadian consumer issues from these services. Data is gathered from company websites and contracts as well as customer surveys and questionnaires completed by governmental and non-governmental...
A guide comprised of 12 fact sheets for consumers to learn more about credit, grouped into the following topics: general information, warnings, credit products, and comparison tables. (Please note this is a French-language...
Le présent guide fait suite à l’étude Favoriser la santé financière des aînés qu’a menée Union des consommateurs grâce au soutien financier du Fonds de subventions d’éducation financière TD de l’organisme de bienfaisance Social and Enterprise Development Innovations (SEDI). Le...
Considering the increasing indebtedness of young people, the ubiquitous advertising of credit, their possible ignorance of how credit operates, etc., this article examines young people’s perception of credit, the factors that have moulded that perception, and the latter’s consequences on credit...