Feb26_P3-Booking confirmation

Inperson Disclaimer statement

Tip sheet for explaining tax filing outcomes to clients

Sample client intake form WoodGreen

Virtual STF-sample disclaimer statement

Virtual STF-Appointment outcomes sample form


Oct2023_STFiling_virtual Client recruitment script_FINAL-s

Oct2023_STFiling_In-person Appointment outcomes_FINAL-s

Oct2023_STFiling_In person Client recruitment script_FINAL-s

Oct2023_STFiling_Document and income eligibility check_FINAL-s

Client preparation checklist

Feb26_P1_Guide to Virtual Self-file model

Feb26_P9_Introduction scripts


Feb26_P8_Outcomes measure

Feb26_P7_Quick tips

Feb26_P6_Document Check

Feb26_P5_Client intake form


Feb26_Pt3_Common tax slips

Feb26_P3_Client profiles

Feb26_P2_Email template

Feb26_Pt3_Common tax deductions