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Discover financial empowerment resources
In 2024, close to half of First Nations people living off reserve (45%) and Métis (44%), and more than half of Inuit (54%) (all aged 15 years and older) reported that it was "difficult" or "very difficult" in the 12 months preceding the survey to meet their financial needs in terms of...

Explore the history, languages, cultures, and experiences of Indigenous Peoples in Canada. Click on "Access this resource" to visit the Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada website that has resources on First Nations, Inuit and...

This free, on-demand, introductory course provides learners with insight into the history of First Nations, Métis and Inuit Peoples; an understanding of the devastation of colonialism on Indigenous communities and economies from an Indigenous perspective and how it is critical to reconciliation;...

This data hub includes data on the following subjects: Crime and victimization Demographic characteristics and Indigenous groups Education, learning and skills Health and well-being Income and spending Indigenous children Indigenous population profiles Labour and...

Aboriginal women share some of the same demographic and socioeconomic characteristics as other women in Canada; however, there are also many important differences. Generally speaking, Aboriginal people in Canada are defined as three unique and distinct groups: First Nations (North American Indian),...
This article examines the literacy and numeracy skills of off-reserve First Nations and Métis adults, focusing on the factors and labour market outcomes associated with higher skill levels. In this study, individuals in the higher range for literacy and numeracy are defined as those who scored...
Aboriginal individuals, entrepreneurs and communities have been affected by financial literacy challenges in many of the same ways that lower-income people and remote populations in Canada have. However, there is the additional weight of specific cultural and structural barriers and the additional...
As our society increases its collective knowledge of our shared history with Indigenous peoples, language, identity, and nationhood are shared more frequently in daily media. The tremendous efforts of Idle No More, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada, and the federal government’s...
Canada cannot and need not allow yet another generation of Indigenous citizens to languish in poverty. At a time when workforce replacement and skilled labour shortages occupy the attention of both business and government alike, the youngest and fastest growing demographic in the country struggles...
In 2013, AFOA Canada conducted an international Literature Review of Indigenous Financial Literacy entitled: Literature Review of Indigenous Financial Literacy in Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the United States, December 20, 2013. One of the recommendations in the Literature Review was to...