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Reaching Home: Canada's Homelessness Strategy is a community-based program aimed at preventing and reducing homelessness across Canada. This program provides funding to urban, Indigenous, rural and remote communities to help them address their local homelessness needs. Click "Access this resource"...
Housing First involves moving people experiencing homelessness —particularly people experiencing chronic homelessness—rapidly from the street or emergency shelters into stable and long-term housing, with supports. Stable housing provides a platform to deliver services to address issues...
When the housing sector is efficient and well-functioning, the marketplace should be able to meet most people’s housing needs. Fortunately, Canada has one of the best housing systems in the world. As a result, almost 80% of Canadian households have their housing needs met through the marketplace,...
Ending homelessness in Canada requires partnerships across public, private, and not-for-profit sectors. Preventative measures, and providing safe, appropriate, and affordable housing with supports for those experiencing homelessness is needed. This paper provides a series of joint...
Across Canada, homelessness has always existed but with the creation of statistical reporting across the country the awareness of the pressure this puts on Canadian society is more apparent. The statistics on homelessness are staggering and understanding the path to homelessness, included by those...
Despite progress on many fronts, the number of people becoming homeless in Canadian cities was not declining. As a consequence, there has been a discernable shift in municipal responses to homelessness in recent years. Inspired by policy innovations in the United States, a number of cities are now...
Increasingly, the notion of “Housing First” has been promulgated internationally as the turnkey solution to homelessness. In Canada, government investment in Housing First has become de rigueur from coast to coast. This paper proposes the extension of Housing First as a guiding philosophy...
The toolkit was developed to assist other Canadian communities that are interested in adopting the Housing First approach. Primarily based on the experiences of the At Home/Chez Soi project, we have assembled tools and resources that are practical and user-friendly for groups and communities...
This Guide to performance management was developed specifically for Community Entity (CE) organizations to help manage HPS funding, as performance management is essential to understand the effectiveness of interventions funded under HPS, as well as a community’s overall progress towards reducing...