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The introduction of Tax-Free Savings Accounts (TFSAs) in 2009 transformed how Canadians save. One of the main reasons for creating TFSAs was to provide a taxassisted savings instrument for low-income Canadians to enable them to improve their retirement income. Now, 10 years later, many low-income...
Since taking office in the fall of 2015, the Liberal government has made important changes to the publicly administered components of Canada’s retirement income system (RIS). It has restored the age of eligibility for benefits under Old Age Security (OAS) and the Guaranteed Income Supplement...
Ensuring the economic well-being of Canada’s growing population of seniors is an important and complex public policy challenge that the new federal government must grapple with. Few disagree with the goal of providing all citizens with the means for a dignified and economically secure retirement....
In this report, the take-up of government benefits is presented as one indicator of Canadians’ financial literacy—that is, their “knowledge, skills and confidence to make responsible financial decisions.” Low take-up rates clearly suggest that some Canadians lack the financial literacy...
This working paper compares three commonly used measures of low income used in Canadian poverty analysis. It is the fourth in a series of working papers intended to promote a discussion by participants in our Sounding Board and others. Thresholds and incidences of low-income for the Low Income...