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Building Economic Security in America’s Cities New Municipal Strategies for Asset Building and Financial Empowerment
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Approaching anti-poverty work from this view point asks that we re-think the social compact between government and its constituents. It demands that we think beyond reactive policies focused narrowly on crisis intervention and preservation of the safety net, to policies that aim to proactively help individuals out of poverty -- in essence offering them a hand up instead of a hand out. Who better than the leaders in our cities to help in this effort? Unlike intervention at the state and federal levels, city leaders are more able to “connect the dots” between disparate disciplines that affect the lives and livelihoods of their residents. From affordable housing, to transportation, to banking services, to consumer protection, cities are uniquely positioned to align their array of services to advance the common goal of building the prosperity of all of its residents.
Author: Jasmin Thomas, Marian Urquilla
Topic: Asset building and saving
Publisher: Prosperity Now (formerly CFED)
Location: United States
Format: Report
Content Type: Research
Publication Date: January 31, 2011