This overview of financial literacy and youth is based on insights from expert
practitioners and TD Financial Literacy Grant Fund recipients serving youth. Its purpose is to share knowledge on the financial literacy needs of youth and how best to meet them. Canadian youth are becoming financial consumers earlier in their lives than ever before and making decisions that can have lasting consequences if not well managed (e.g. cell phone contracts, credit cards, education loans). By the time they are 19 years old, about half of all teens in Canada have already joined the labour force, often working part-time while in school.i If they are in low-income families, these employment earnings can be key to their own well-being or that of their families. For the tens of thousands of youth in care or living independently, establishing a connection to the workforce is even more critical. The financial choices and decisions these youth have to make can be tougher than for other youth in Canada.
Financial Literacy and Youth