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Financial literacy 101
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Financial literacy in the Black community is crucial for the economic prosperity of Black families across Canada. According to a 2015 report released by the Canadian Center for Policy Alternatives, 60 percent of Black Canadians fell into the bottom half of the national distribution of economic family incomes, compared to 47 per cent of non-racialized Canadians. The 2015 study also exposed further data on members of racialized communities in relation to financial literacy and economic freedom.

The Financial Literacy 101 modules explain what the TFSA is, who can prn one and how to determine contribution room. You'll also learn about emergency funds, RRSPs and the Child tax credit. 

Author: Federation of Black Canadians
Topic: Financial literacy
Location: Canada
Format: Guides, Toolkit
Content Type: Tools
Publication Date: February 13, 2025