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Promoting Welcoming Communities: A Toolkit for Communities and Those Who Support Them
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This toolkit, presented by Pathways to Prosperity, features a variety of practices and programs that can be used to address and improve each of the characteristics of a welcoming community, as identified in Toolkit I: Measuring Welcoming Communities. The goal is to mobilize and facilitate the exchange of ideas and information related to each characteristic of a welcoming community for those who are looking to improve their practices or develop new ones. This sharing of knowledge creates efficiencies for those supporting newcomers, as they can learn from each other’s experiences and expertise, building on both individual and collective success.

Author: Awish Alam, Leah K. Hamilton, Priscila Ribeiro Prado Barros, Victoria M. Esses
Topic: Best practices
Location: Canada
Format: Guides, Toolkit
Content Type: Tools
Publication Date: June 14, 2024