Discover financial empowerment resources
Discover financial empowerment resources
Visitors to the Learning Hub may read past copies of the quarterly Learning Hub Digest where we share quarterly updates to keep you informed on the latest financial empowerment, resources, research, and learning events. Issue 13: December 2024 Issue 12: September 2024 Issue 11: July 2024 Issue...
This toolkit contains resources and information which may offer support to organizations, agencies, or frontline staff supporting individuals, during a challenging time. This toolkit has been made possible with the support of the Canadian Investment Regulatory Organization (CIRO) and is now...
This collection of financial empowerment tools and resources is intended to support both Indigenous and non-Indigenous organizations working to build financial wellness in First Nation communities. It was created as part of the Financial Wellness in First Nations project (2021-2023) where...
This toolkit contains tools and worksheets you can use with your financial coaching clients. Each document should be used as a part of the coach-client relationship. This include financial coaching tools such as the financial wheel of life and tips for the first meeting, as well as tools and...
The resources in this toolkit are taken from the Prosper Canada Financial Literacy Facilitator curriculum. The full training curriculum is available for practitioners who complete our Financial Literacy Facilitator training. Prosper Canada curriculum and tools are for non-profit use only, and are...