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Inclusive Employment for Canadians with Disabilities: Toward a New Policy Framework and Agenda
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Canadians with disabilities have consistently experienced low levels of employment, as well as barriers in the educational, economic and social spheres. They face massive obstacles in participating in the labour market, especially those with severe disabilities or low educational attainment. Many need work accommodations and supports. In this IRPP study, Michael Prince analyzes the employment situation and the policy context for working-age adults with mental or physical disabilities. He finds a disproportionate number of them are unemployed, even if they are able and wish to participate in the labour force. Of those who are employed, many work for below minimum wage and are not protected by labour legislation.
Author: Michael J Prince
Topic: Financial well-being
Publisher: IRPP
Location: Canada
Format: Report
Content Type: Research
Publication Date: August 11, 2016