Widespread household financial insecurity is an undeniably urgent crisis in the United States today. A stunning 51 percent of U.S. households have expenses that are equal to or greater than their income, and 55 percent lack the necessary savings to weather a simultaneous income drop and expense spike.
In The New Wealth Agenda: A Blueprint for Building a Future of Inclusive Wealth, the Aspen Institute Financial Security Program offers a goal that is equal parts ambitious and achievable: By 2050, we must increase by ten-fold the wealth of households of color and those in the bottom half of the wealth distribution in the United States. In the report, we identify the eight objectives that we believe are the most effective path forward for reaching that goal. We also pinpoint the critical indicators to track and assess our collective progress toward creating the conditions of financial security and well-being that will enable full participation, agency, and dignity in our economy, and a new future of wealth.
Read the Executive summary