Make it Count

Make it Count is a parent's resource for youth money management provided by the Manitoba Securities Commission that provides activities and tips to help you incorporate youth money management lessons into your daily routine. You can easily turn errands into education. 

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Money management worksheets

CPA Canada has a selection of money management worksheets you can use with your clients.

Goal Setting
Set SMART goals that are specific, measurable, action-oriented, realistic, time-framed.

Financial Fitness Self-Assessment
Determine how well you are currently managing your finances.

Values Validator
Determine the things in life that are most important to you.

Monthly Budget for Teens
Help teenagers living at home create a monthly budget.

Role Model Self-Assessment
Deter­mine what kind of financial role model you are.

Document Organizer
Organize your documents in preparation for filing your taxes.

Cash Flow Organizer
Get a clear picture of your cash flow — what is coming in and what is going out 

Net Worth Worksheet 
Get a snapshot of what you own (your assets) and what you owe (your liabilities)

Post-Secondary Student Budget
This worksheet will help students accurately estimate the total budget they need