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Long-term impacts of supporting all students leaving high school to apply to college or university
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This report presents the latest results from the Life After High School project. The results from the previous Life After High School report (Ford et al., 2013) supported the notion from behavioural economics that relatively small differences in approach (the “nudge” of three hours of workshops) can have major consequences for behaviour in that it induced many more Grade 12 students to complete postsecondary applications. But surprisingly, across all students and pre-identified subgroups, the intervention did not lead to an increase in post-secondary education enrollment in the year immediately following high school.
Author: Isaac Kwakye, Philip Oreopoulos, Reuben Ford, Shek-wai Hui
Topic: Asset building and saving
Publisher: SRDC - Social Research and Demonstration Corporation
Location: Canada
Format: Report
Content Type: Research
Publication Date: July 31, 2016